

Hi!!How are you?
Today, I tell you about continuation of "Sleeping Beauty".
This story is retolded by Kate Knighton.
Following words are the words I don't know.
beat 打ち負かす (My father beat me at chess.)
hover = stays in one place in the air
blast (A blast of cold air swept through the hut.)
icy = very cold (The water is icy cold.)
chilling = It makes you feel scary
How dare ~  よくも~できるね。(How dare you say that?)
roar = say something very loud ('Get out of my house!' he roared.)
stammer = to speak with a lot of pauses
("We just..." "...forgot you" she stammered.)
flame = to burn brightly (『Flame on!!』ファンタスティック4より・・・)



I read a picture book.
The title is "Sleeping Beauty".
This story is retolded by Kate Knighton.Publisher is USBORNE YOUNG READING.
The following words show that I don't know what it's mean.
stitich縫う (This cut needs 10 stitiches.)
sew縫う (sew a dress)
tinyごく小さい(very small) (a little tiny baby)
palace 宮殿 (Buckingham Palace)
lapひざ (sit on his lap)
majesty威厳、陛下 (her majesty the queen/his majesty the king)
bowお辞儀する (She bowed before the queen.)
leap跳ぶ (leap into the boat)
feast祝宴 (a wedding feast)
gleam光る、輝く (The black man's white teeth gleamed when he smiled.)
"There had never been a party like it."→It's mean・・・
crowd群集 (a crowd of 10,000 people)
cloakマント (draw on a cloak)
trail跡 (follow a bear trail)
merry陽気な (Merry Christmas! )
pile積み上げる=a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other [=stack] (His mother came in carrying a pile of ironing in her arms.)
scrumptiousとてもおいしい、すばらしい (This turkey is absolutely scrumptious.)(a scrumptious chocolate cake)
curtsyひざを曲げてお辞儀する (make a curtsy to the queen)
grace優美、上品、気品 (She danced with grace.)
instrument道具=a small tool used in work such as science or medicine
cradleゆりかご= a small bed for a baby



I read three picture books written by easily English.
One title is “Hide and Seek With Carla Crocodile”.
This is a story of playing.
Carla Crocodile found Hippo, Seal and Penguin.
They had to get home before Carla count to three.
But Penguin fell over before he got home.
So Penguin had to count to three and seek.
Hippoかば Sealアザラシ
fell over倒れる (He tripped and fell over.)

Second title is “Brian Fixit”.
A boy, Brian Fixit, liked to fixing things.
He always helped his family, (his father, mother, grandfather and grandmother) fix things. He always said “how do we fix it?”
One day, his trolley was broken when he was playing that.
His father helped him fix things.
tap蛇口 (turn on [off] the tap)
drip (off, down)したたる、ポタポタ落ちる (The tap is dripping down.)
fizzシュシュ音をたてる popポン bulb電球 rip裂ける
swing揺らす (don’t swing your stick (around).)
creakキーキー wheel車輪 (a toothed wheel歯車)

Third title is “June’s New Car”.
June’s family needed a new car. So they went to get a new car.
But their opinion don’t fit. So it took long time.
Finally they could get a nice car they needed.
It’s a big size car!!