


Today, I tell you about "Elves and the Shoemaker".
This is a story of shoemaker.

An old shoemaker was lived with his wife.

The shoes he made is very nice.

Everyone want to buy the shoes he made.

But, since a man who ride a cart came, his business became to bad.

Because, the man sold the cheap price shoes.

Everyone want to buy the cheap price shoes.

But, his shoes were awful.

An old shoemaker feld sad.

One day, an old shoemaker cut leather out the shoe shapes and laid them on his work table.

Then he went to bed soon.

Next morning, he and his wife were very surprised.

There was a perfect pair of shoes on his work table.

"It must be magic." they thought.

Before long, a rich gentleman came and bought the shoes.

The surprising things continued.

His business was booming again.

One night, he and his wife decided to see what happened in his work place.

Surprisingly, they saw that two little elves began to make shoes.

They knew who made the nice shoes.

His business became to good.

One day, the cheap shoe seller was leaving.

An old shoemaker and his wife thought that we should thank them.

They made little suits and pair of shoes for two elves.

The elves found the clothes and shoes, and wore it.

They said "How handsome we look!".

They were pleased!!

The next moment, fourteen elves came in the room.

These elves were working under the cheap shoe seller until he escape.

All of elves thought that we may not make shoes.

Elves ran out the shoemaker's house with smile.

They never made more shoes.


Hi!! How are you?
Today,I read the book"Elves and the shoemaker".
This was published in 2004 by Usdorne Publishing Ltd.


sew= use the needle and thread to make the clothes.
(I can learned to sew at the school.)

crafty= ずる賢い

delight= a felling of good and happiness
(The kids were screaming with delight.)

afford= to have enough money to buy something
(I cannot afford to buy a TV.)

yawn= to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply あくび
(Mike stretched and yawned.)

sigh= to breath and making a long sound ため息

amazement= a feeling of great surprise

neatly= きちんと、巧妙に

shiny= bright シャイニー (shiny teeth)

buffle= can't understand at all, very surprise

before long= やがて

solid= a firm object, not gas or liquid

puzzled= a feeling of anxious 戸惑った、困った

ruin= to destroy something completely
(This illness has ruined my life.)

snort= to breath air in a noisy way out through your nose
(She snorted with laughter.)

rag= a small piece of old cloth

rotten= not clean, very bad, to feel not good

attic= a space of roof 屋根裏部屋

astonish= surprise

fist= 握り拳

relief= a feeling of comfort
(It's a relief to get back home.)

proper= 適した、適切な、きちんとした



Today,I listened to the story of "The Three Little Pigs".
I listened to it in internet.
This one is published by Coaches Reveal Publishing.

huff and puff=make a noisy breathe.

“Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”said a wolf.
Then,a pig said...
“No, no, not by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
I don't know what this mean.
chin is a word that it's mean あご.

→Thank you for the answer.
This comment is not so important.
Its meaning is "NO".
Children like repeat of this word(chin) and sound of it.

This book is a story of three little pigs.
Their mother is poor.
So her children seek their fortunes.
They build own house each other.

One little pig built a house of straw.
Soon, a wolf came.
He broke it, and ate a pig!

The second little pig built a house of bundle of furze.
Soon, the wolf came.
He also break it, and ate a pig!

The third pig was clever.
He build a house of bricks.
Soon, the wolf came.
He huffed and puffed.
But the sturdy house didn't break.

He thought that what should I do to get a pig into out.
He flash an idea.
He said to the pig "I know where there is a nice field of turnips.”
"we will go together, and get some for dinner.”
The wolf said to go out the house next morning at six o’clock,
then to go to the field together.
Next morning, the wolf came again.
But, the pig have already gone the field to get turnips.
The wolf angered.

Next, the wolf flash an idea.
He said to the pig "I know where there is a nice apple-tree.”
"...if you will not deceive me I will come for you,
at five o’clock tomorrow and get some apples.”
Next morning, the pig was going to get apples before the wolf come.
And he threw it so far, that, while the wolf was gone to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home.

Finary, the pig beat the wolf!!
Happy end♪♪