Hi!! How are you?
Today,I read the book"Elves and the shoemaker".
This was published in 2004 by Usdorne Publishing Ltd.
sew= use the needle and thread to make the clothes.
(I can learned to sew at the school.)
crafty= ずる賢い
delight= a felling of good and happiness
(The kids were screaming with delight.)
afford= to have enough money to buy something
(I cannot afford to buy a TV.)
yawn= to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply あくび
(Mike stretched and yawned.)
sigh= to breath and making a long sound ため息
amazement= a feeling of great surprise
neatly= きちんと、巧妙に
shiny= bright シャイニー (shiny teeth)
buffle= can't understand at all, very surprise
before long= やがて
solid= a firm object, not gas or liquid
puzzled= a feeling of anxious 戸惑った、困った
ruin= to destroy something completely
(This illness has ruined my life.)
snort= to breath air in a noisy way out through your nose
(She snorted with laughter.)
rag= a small piece of old cloth
rotten= not clean, very bad, to feel not good
attic= a space of roof 屋根裏部屋
astonish= surprise
fist= 握り拳
relief= a feeling of comfort
(It's a relief to get back home.)
proper= 適した、適切な、きちんとした
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