I listened to English Through Stories "Missing Person-Episode1"on the internet.
Episode1:The man in the mask
***The following words is the one I didn't understand.***
tick me off = makes me angry
tough = タフ、荒っぽい
tough action 荒っぽい行動
son-of-a-gun = a man that you are annoyed with
get away = 逃げる、免れる、離れる
hell = 地獄
(ex. Get away from this apartment!! )
grabbe = ひっつかむ
yell = 叫ぶ
(ex. he yelled now.)
Anne Prado did't know where is her sister, Sarah.
She called Sarah's apartment.But, there is no answer.
She went to Sarah's apartment.And, she knocked the door.But, there is no answer.
She called Sarah's work.Her boss said "Sarah have been missing for two days."
So she asked her teacher to help.
She and her teacher went to the apartment.
Then a man ran to tward Sarah's teacher.
A man and teacher fought.
A man said "Just get the hell away from this apartment building.You're not welcome here."
Then, a man run away.
It's very strange!!
Good! I'm glad that you are listening. Did you understand all of the expressions? Keep up the good work!